lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

This year's production of the English Theatre Club Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has been an overwhelming success. All the good work of our brilliant assistant, Emilie Jefferies, and of the 20 students who participated in the show paid off with:


Needless to say, we are very  proud of each and everyone of you!!

This is a video with the best moments of the show

And some pictures too:

Global Scholars

This year students from 1ºESO B have participated in the international programme Global Scholars, in collaboration with children all over the world. The aim of the programme has been to raise awareness on global issues such as sustainable developement, intelligent buildings, transportation and developement of green areas. 

It has been a lot of work but great fun too!!. It all culminated in a project to improve the green areas at our school doing different things, such as creating a vertical garden, and planting trees, with the help of the City Hall and the Major

All of our good work can be seen in this blog

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Immersion Week March 2016. Valle de los Abedules

This year's immersion week took place in a fantastic place near Bustarviejo. 79 students from 1st ESO shared four sunny days just before Easter Break, doing all kinds of fun activities and improving their English.

We practiced archery


We rode horses

We learnt about falconry

Became expert chefs

And artists!!

Especially during the evening! when we had to show our talent at singing and dancing 


We had a lot of fun! And then: holidays!

Shakespeare at school

The Oxford Pocket Theatre came to school like last year to perform for students of 1st and 2nd ESO a hilarious adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth (oops!! we should have said The Scottish Play!! what was it that we had to do to conjure the bad luck?)


 In this version, while writing Macbeth William Shakespeare and his wife Ann try to make a living working at a fast food restaurant owned by Chef Duncan. However, they have no staff to work with and they recruit members of the public to work as cleaners and cooks

Before they know it, everyone will be involved in a tragedy full of ambition, treachery and murder: How will Macbeth kill Duncan? How much blood will Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have on their hands? How many bodies willl the Witches sweep up with their broomsticks? and how will Malcom get his revenge?

lunes, 4 de enero de 2016


This past fall the English department organised a couple of cultural activities related English speaking countries. The first one was the second edition of our Halloween pumpking-carving contest.

This one won the first prize!!

The second activity was a solidary baking contest for Thanksgiving. Students from all levels (together with some teachers and staff members) made the most delicious deserts ever and sold them during break time on the 24th of November in order to raise money to help the refugees.

It was a really sweet break, and we were able to raise some money which was donated to the NGO ACNUR. Thanks everyone for your collaboration and for making Thanksgiving a calebration about caring and sharing.