domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Immersion Week March 2016. Valle de los Abedules

This year's immersion week took place in a fantastic place near Bustarviejo. 79 students from 1st ESO shared four sunny days just before Easter Break, doing all kinds of fun activities and improving their English.

We practiced archery


We rode horses

We learnt about falconry

Became expert chefs

And artists!!

Especially during the evening! when we had to show our talent at singing and dancing 


We had a lot of fun! And then: holidays!

Shakespeare at school

The Oxford Pocket Theatre came to school like last year to perform for students of 1st and 2nd ESO a hilarious adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth (oops!! we should have said The Scottish Play!! what was it that we had to do to conjure the bad luck?)


 In this version, while writing Macbeth William Shakespeare and his wife Ann try to make a living working at a fast food restaurant owned by Chef Duncan. However, they have no staff to work with and they recruit members of the public to work as cleaners and cooks

Before they know it, everyone will be involved in a tragedy full of ambition, treachery and murder: How will Macbeth kill Duncan? How much blood will Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have on their hands? How many bodies willl the Witches sweep up with their broomsticks? and how will Malcom get his revenge?